
Saturday, November 08, 2003

Search Engine Traffic Doubles... at MBBRIDE.COM

The power of an effective web site re-design (actually, just some enhancements) with a careful eye toward search engine optimization has double the traffic (and results) at MBBRIDE.COM according to Reed Pederson, owner of MB Bridal & Special Occasion.

Does search engine optimization work? Yes.

Can you afford NOT to do it? No.

The Internet offers you the best bang for your buck when it comes to advertising and promoting your business with a limited or tightly controlled budget, without a question. The problem is that if you do it incorrectly or worse, don't understand what you're doing (or your webmaster doesn't), all you're doing is wasting money and time. The money part is sometimes the easiest to deal with. Just throw money at it until it works (right?).

But time on the Internet is unrecoverable. Waiting or losing ground to your competition who is implementing SEO techniques today... is something you probably can't regain ground on. Wait six months to do this and you've probably lost thousands of dollars in sales opportunities and it will be 5x harder to get top positioning for your web site at most search engines.

Have a great week!

~ clj

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Improved Search Engine Positioning (with Wedding Planning Links Listing!)

My customers who are advertising and linking at Wedding Planning Links are getting two great values. First, more brides and grooms are finding their web sites. Over 150,000 visitor sessions are logged each month (on average) at Wedding Planning Links. About 40% of our traffic is repeat visitors (this means they like what they see and are using the directory as a wedding planning resources). On average, each visitor clicks to 6 of our listings before leaving permanently (usually to an advertisers web site).

The second value is Search Engine Optimization - particularly related to Link Popularity. Because WPL is so highly rated at most of the major search engines, a link in the directory, that search engines can see and "crawl", actually becomes a positive "vote" of sorts for your web site. Link popularity is a fact... you just have to understand how it works (links AWAY from your web site have very little value).

Will a link at Wedding Planning Links help your search engine page rank and overall positioning - YES, it is not the only thing you need to worry about, but it is a valuable benefit that we don't charge our advertisers extra for.

If you haven't visited Wedding Planning Links lately check it out.


~ clj

Are You The Master of Your Own DOMAIN?

You should be and if you don't know the answer to that question you better find out. Your domain name should be registered to you as the business owner or to a corporation (if you are a corporation). Too often webmasters will register a domain and not even put you on the record as a contact. This means when the domain expires, or is about to expire, you know nothing about it. Ask your webmaster or look-up your own domain registration records at Network Solutions or Go Daddy (my favorite and highly recommended).

Tip of the Day: If your domain isn't registered with Network Solutions or Go Daddy... consider changing your registrar. I recently just bailed out a client who had their domain registered with some no-name registrar and claims to have sent them emails about renewing their domain name. Problem is... the domain name expired: WEB SITE UNAVAILABLE for almost a week.

Network Solutions

(I prefer and recommend...)

Go Daddy

Return to Sell More Weddings http://www.sellmoreweddings.com

~ clj

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